7 big myths related to corona virus.
1.It will go with the rise of temperature.
It has been said that virus can't grow in high temperatures mainly 38-40°C and it's true.But it can remain left on some places and can affect later.A virus in 2003 just like this kept growng in hot temperature too.So there is no surety that it will go.
2.Virus can be transmitted by any parcel from China.
Virus can't stay alive on non living things for long hours ..so how will they stay on parcel.
3.Use of surgical mask is necessary.
These surgical mask should be used only in special cases ..like if a person is already infected..so that he won't be able to transmit it to other person and by the people who lives with an infected one or takes care of him/her.There is no proper evidence that it will protect us from virus .
4.We should not eat meat or eggs.
Coronavirus is a human virus now.It cannot be transmited by animals to humans .Eating meat by cooking them properly is better.
5.Pneumonical vaccine will alone work.
Pneumonia is also a virus which is caused by streptococcus pneumoniae .It can decrease the congestion in lungs but not a proper solution.The research upon vaccine for COVID-19 is still going on.
6.It only affects kids and old people.
The fact behind this statement is that any disease affects those people who have low immune system.Smaller ones and old people have less immunity ..so they need to have a lot of care.But that doesn't mean that it cannot affect adults.It can!
7.Alcoholics are safe.
It's a viral illogical news that has been spread though social media.As it is said that virus will die in the presence of more than 60% of alcohol.But the alcohol people consumes contain less alcohol .Though drinking more alcohol will cause liver damage .
Stay happy,stay beautiful.
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