The ultimate guide for healthy & beautiful nails at home:7steps

The ultimate guide for healthy & beautiful nails at home:7steps

The ultimate guide for healthy & beautiful nails at home:7steps
The ultimate guide for healthy & beautiful nails at home:7steps

Who does not want to look beautiful?I know looks doesn't matter but having healthy body & keeping it hygienic is crucial for everyone.

The first thing I want to say is that you don't need to go salon to take care of your body.

If you have a busy schedule or don't know how to perform those steps then you can contact a salon.

But today I am gonna give you a brief guide on your THE ULTIMATE GUIDE FOR HEALTHY & BEAUTIFUL NAILS AT HOME IN 7 STEPS.

I too follow this routine which worked the best !😍Let's go..


#Step:1 Clean them up

The ultimate guide for healthy & beautiful nails at home:7steps

This step is very important as

" Well  begun  is  half  done "

In this step,you need to clean your hands & nails by a good cleanser or any soap.

You can use a brush or even a toothbrush (put some cleanser or apply some soap on your nails and massage brush on them) to clean your nails perfectly.

Now in this step removing your nail paint is also included.

Remove your nail paint with an acetone free nail remover if possible.

• Excessive use of acetone makes our nails yellowish and weak .It's a chemical dear!

#Step:2 Soak your nails

Simple nail care routine at home

After removing those extras from your nails now you gotta take :

•A bowl half filled with lukewarm water
•2tablespoons of rosewater
•Some drops of any cleanser or body wash (or even a shampoo too)

Mix them all and soak your hands in it for 8-10 minutes.

#Step:3 Push cuticles back(optional)

Simple nail care routine at home

This step is totally optional as cuticles are there for a reason. Cuticles seals the area at the base of our nails .It prevents the build up of bacteria causing infection.

Though if you really wanna do this then get a good pusher and do it slowly and carefully if you are new to this.

Just push that extra skin present on your base backwards (carefully).
It's gonna hurt but it's worth it.

Step:4 Cut loose skin(optional)

Simple nail care routine at home

Have you ever seen that skin hanging around your nails which looks so ugly?

That's the loose skin which we need to cut from small scissors(from the manicure kit).

Just cut them out carefully.

#Step:5 Trim & file your nails

Simple nail care routine at home

Don't worry it's easy :)
Take a nail cutter and cut your nails in the shape however you want or the length.

Now take a nail filer and make your all nails equal and give them a proper shape.

#Step:6 Buffing(Optional)

Get beautiful & healthy nails with 7 steps

This step is also optional .Take a buffer and buff your nails as shown in the picture above.

But don't overdo it .. because you are not removing the whole nail from that surface.  Right?

Buffing gives our nails a soft and healthy look though :).

#Step:7 Moisturizer

Get beautiful & healthy nails with 7 steps

In this step ..just grab a good moisturizer and apply it to your nails and cuticles.

As our nails also need hydration and nutritient .

You can use any cream ,cuticle oil for this.In case you don't have these any at home.Apply some oil😊.

#Step:7Appy nail paint (optional)

Get beautiful & healthy nails with 7 steps

After doing all of those steps you can apply your any nail paint.

•Always check your nail paint.It should not have toxic chemicals like formaldehyde ,toluene ,dibutyl phthalate etc.

First apply a base coat which will work as a barrier between your nails and that nail paint.

Then apply your any nail paint from white to black ;).

And at last apply a top coat to make your nail paint lasts for a week at least.

Tell me if you are going to follow it or not &come back to let me know how it worked for you😄.

This comment section is all yours!
Stay happy,stay beautiful❤

Take care!


  1. Thanks for sharing this valuable information. In busy schedule we hardly get time to visit saloons. By following your tips we can do it at home. Thanks a lot.

    1. Yeah!😊thanks for your beautiful comment.It motivates me to do more!


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